Zero Gravity Beds & Back Pain

Zero-G and Back Pain

Zero Gravity Defined

Zero Gravity is a position in which the legs are elevated above the heart to increase circulation. At the same time, the head and shoulders are also slightly elevated. The position was actually designed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a launch position for astronauts. The Zero-G position took the pressure of the rocket launch off of the astronauts’ spines. It’s also the same position that the body naturally assumes when floating in zero gravity.

Medical Use

Medical professionals who treat back injuries are familiar with the benefits of using Zero Gravity to improve the health of the spine. The Zero-G position helps to decompress the spine and decrease muscle tension. Zero-G puts the spine in a position that lessens the pull on the spinal muscles and reduces pressure on the intervertebral discs, both of which are key to spine health, and can lessen nerve impingement and pain. Zero-G can also help decrease hip flexor muscle tension and improve circulation in the lower extremities.

Day-to-Day Uses of Zero Gravity Beds

Zero-G is also helpful for individuals who do not have back pain, but who are their feet all day. Elevating the legs improves circulation, and in doing so speeds recovery and lessens swelling.

For those who sit all day (and one study says that’s 86% of Americans), Zero-G may be able to lessen the effects of the “sitting disease.” The position takes pressure off the spine and helps to relax shoulder and neck muscles, while promoting better circulation.

Ergomotion adjustable beds are ideal for helping to relieve these problems, the kind that interfere with a good night’s sleep. With just one touch of the Zero G pre-set button, the Ergomotion bed will elevate your feet above your heart, allowing for increased circulation and less stress and pressure on the lower back. Less pain means more and better sleep, and more and better sleep means a better day tomorrow.